Several killings, brutality, unjust ill treatments , all manners of wicked punishments have been meted out on innocent people. Violence, destruction of lives and properties as well kept occurring all because the Nigerian government failed to protect and care for the people on whose land 85% of Nigeria’s wealth came from. The oil companies who kept benefiting at the expense of the lives and existence of the
Niger Delta people tried to help protect them from the consequences of oil spills, but either through bad governance or selfish acts, the people needing this help hardly got it. Negligible compensation was offered them and constant empty promises of benefits kept coming.
Truly some measures were taken in the year 2000 (NDDC) by president Obasanjo with the aim of developing the petroleum rich Niger Delta region of southern Nigeria, presidential amnesty programs all in a bid to compensate for the lost lives and properties. But chronic poverty, catastrophic oil pollution which have prevented aquatic life and some of the inhabitants of the Niger Delta from drinking their water and practicing farming remained unsettled and unfortunately it seems that the amnesty program ended along with the Goodluck Jonathan administration in 2015.
Some weeks ago, a group of people who recently arose calling themselves the Niger Delta avengers congratulated themselves for being able to shut down 50 percent of Nigeria’s crude oil production without taking innocent life. Three months ago when this group of people launched their attacks, the spokesperson declared " we are the Niger Delta Avengers: a group of educated and we'll travelled individuals that are poised to take the Niger Delta struggle to new heights that has never been seen in this nation before. We have well equipped human resources to meet this goal. These group of people have sworn to totally ruin the Nigerian oil production and the major source of growth of the Nigerian economy.
This they are already on the process of achieving as Nigeria’’s oil production which was budgeted to be 2.2millon barrels per day has been reduced to 1.65million per day.
This group of determined militants keep blowing up refineries and underwater pipelines thereby crippling the activities of oil companies in the zone. All of these having major effects on the economy of Nigeria and in general the oil industry.
Inasmuch as I do not support violence and crime, and destroying the nation’s economy as the answer, the Niger Delta Avengers whoever they are, from their name seem to be fighting a course. Some speculations believe they are a creation of the ex-president to thwart efforts made by President Buhari , some other people, ex militants and in general members of the ijaw people have disclaimed this group, claiming they have no knowledge of the course , they have also described them as criminals and political tools who should be dealt with. But have we sat down to think of what they mean by calling themselves avengers? Do we have an idea of what they claim to be avenging? Why do they want to have a republic of their own? Somebody might say this is just another terrorist group as the Boko Haram but I disagree. The situations surrounding the birth of this militant group are quite different from that of Boko haram. Do we remember how much sufferings the Niger Delta people and other oil regions have been made to undergo and are still undergoing without compensation? I know that we are not supposed to sit around and blame the government again, but do we not see that in a way Nigeria is paying for the sins of the past? What efforts have the governors and leaders of the Niger Delta states made to ensure peace and progress in their states and regions? What efforts have been made to alleviate the oil spills, lack of practicing agriculture in the region?
Eventually, either by dialogue , amnesty or prosecution these set of people will be stopped but we as a nation need to figure out, how to move forward from our mess, right our wrongs, make amends no matter the cost at the same time fill up loopholes from the past and present. We should as well take responsibilities for our actions, find out ways to help ourselves even if our government keep failing us..I believe we have leaders in this nation, to spearhead goals and solutions to our many problems...As for the Niger Delta Avengers, causing more oil spill and destruction of more properties isn't the way forward. Political tools or not, a son doesn't destroy his father's home because his father had refused to care for him.
Enough of groups or sects which are toxic to the environment, enough of instigating young people against their state and nation, enough of this selfishness, pain and hurt driven sects..
someone has to rise up and think differently, think from the other side and act wisely so that in some few years to come , we won't be dealing with some other rising militant groups.

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