A teacher was trying to teach her kids to play a particular game during sports and recreation time, unfortunately the kids just couldn’t get the logic behind the game. It was one of the games that made waves during the 90s, very popular and easy to understand but the kids just couldn’t play it. The teacher was surprised and a bit frustrated. She immediately burst out ‘these kids can’t play!”
Psychomotor learning is the relationship between cognitive functions and physical movement. Psychomotor learning is demonstrated by physical skills such as movement, coordination, manipulation, dexterity, grace, strength and speed. Actions which demonstrate the fine motor skills includes sports and physical games as well as use of precision instruments or tools. Other examples include driving a car , throwing a ball and playing a musical instrument . In psychomotor learning research , attention is given to the learning of coordinated activity involving the arms, hands, fingers and feet.
Cognition is the mental action or process
of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the senses. Human cognition is conscious and unconscious, concrete or abstract as well as intuitive. Asides from the fact that outdoor play aids psychomotor and cognitive learning in kids, it also promotes well being and wholesome physical development in them thereby enabling them the ability to develop muscle strength and coordination as well as gain self confidence .It reduces kid’s stress as well and then improves their intellectual development as well as their social and emotional development.
Dear parents why do you stop your kids from playing outside the house with friends during leisure time? I know that outdoor playing comes with its disadvantages too but what on earth doesn't have a disadvantage? Why do you stop your kids from playing with sand, leaves and other natural things we all grew up playing with? I remember we used to play mummy cooking in the kitchen with leaves and sand and some funny leaves that looked like spices. I remember playing with mud , I remember playing with sand as eba , I remember baking sand as cake. I remember roasting cocoyams, I remember climbing fences and jumping staircases.
Why do parents of today restrict their children to the house and books alone? Have you forgotten that outdoor play is part of growing up for every kid? You can allow outdoor play within close range to the house and with well known kids to avoid casualty, watch their surroundings and vicinity then allow them for few hours. Do not raise dysfunctional kids, raise kids who will have happy memories and good psychological growth. Raise smart kids, raise kids who can play and have fun. Raise happy children.