In companies, organizations and even in Nigeria there is always an open and a hidden part or side to everything. There will always be certain things and issues clear for all to see, consequences and activities clear for all to see while at the same time there will be underground details, hidden activities and issues.
What the society fails to realize is that both effects not just one of the effects affects the society. What I’m saying is every decision actually both seen and unseen have an influence on the people in the society. One way or the other we suffer for various consequences as a result of the seen effects of our actions as well as the hidden repercussions. What makes it

Sandra needed money to buy new clothes, she had already gotten wardrobe allowance from her parents but she needed to get more expensive clothings, she decided to inflate her textbook fees and also lie to get money from her father. Her father of course fell for the trick and gave her more money than needed.
Two weeks later a fight ensued between Sandra and her younger sister, her sister had taken one of the gowns without her consent, Sandra had gotten angry and demanded her cloth angrily and the sister in a bid to payback reported how Sandra had deceived their father. Sandra was scolded and punished by her father for lying.
A month after, Sandra’s sister needed to pay for her school’s yearbook and excursion, on presenting the issue and amount, their father raised an eyebrow and implied that she was trying to play the same trick as her sister. Lets analyze this scenario ;
The seen effects;
Sandra sowed a seed of distrust
Sandra was able to buy the clothes but her sister began to struggle for it with her and she didn’t want to share.
Sandra’s father punished her.
The unseen:
Sandra’s father may never entrust his children with money or believe any money issue they put forward.
This may cause his children to seek other means of getting money
Sandra had unknowingly place a ban on collecting money easily from their father.
Another scenario is in the manufacturing industry, when companies increase the quantity of products in the name of bonanzas and raffle draws and the likes. What is seen is an increase in quantity but what isn’t seen by the society is the fact that the ingredients used have been reduced, quality of the products decreased just to increase the quantity and deceive people.
So at the end of the day, the companies are not really doing the society a favour but it is the other way round, more profit for the companies.
All in all we must always realize that there is always two sides to every coin, never get carried away, like the popular joke ‘this is not my real face’ somethings are not what they seem and individuals are quick to change in the face of situations.
There are hidden details in situations and circumstances and it will be wise if all possibilities, all possible effects are explored and considered.