I was more than surprised when someone finally told me that the whole house had been robbed! I was alarmed and worried at the same time, I was about to rush to my room when someone stopped me to say my room and Timothy’s room was not touched. I felt somewhat relieved but I still felt bad for my other house mates. Laura had been beaten, so was Ronald who happened to be around with his girlfriend and had been caught unawares. As for wole he was exposed , the robbers I learnt headed for his room first and he was sent running outside the room half naked with another girl he had spent the night with as the robbers tried to break open his window.
As for Riike ,her little savings was carted away, Kunle wasn’t home too but his new model, expensive laptop was stolen. His own door wasn’t damaged, so the robbers must have easily gained entrance into his room, either they had a key or he didn’t lock his door. Kunle could be careless at times. Another funny and surprising issue was the fact that
AK’s room wasn’t burgled. Within few minutes, the neighbourhood’s security men, police officers had arrived and began to question everyone. Some people were taken to the police station to write statement. This occurrence really disrupted the whole day. I suddenly wished I could park out of the house.
I had to keep Riike and Laura company while they mourned. Laura kept cursing wole who had disappeared because of shame. As for Bukky who had disappeared from the house 2 days earlier, she returned home with the caretaker few hours after the policemen were gone, looking all surprised and concerned. After asking lots of questions and the usual suspect naming and lamentations, the caretaker disappeared with her into her room. At first I just felt maybe he went in to ascertain how much had been stolen from her room but to my surprise, they didn’t come out for hours. A lot of rumours had been paddled about Bukky dating the caretaker despite all the male visitors she entertained but I was yet to believe. Riike and Laura further confirmed to me their findings and with the way they both arrived and disappeared I began to believe the story. Laura especially hardly carried fake news, she was good with the amebo thing, her stories were always true in the end. The situation was a funny and shameless one, as lazy as Bukky was, she had time to entertain male visitors and even the illiterate caretaker.
Night came and we said our goodnights to each other as I left Riike and Laura to go to my room. My imaginations played pranks on me a bit as I imagined someone break in from the back door again.
I quickly entered my room and locked the door. As we all went to sleep that night , I thought within myself the worst is over since those who were taken to write statement had been released. But to my surprise the following morning as I prepared for school, I started hearing shouts from the passage..
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