Happy New Year!

Happy new year! No matter his bad you've been all through the year, someone's going to still want to say that to you on a day like this.

Yes it has become a kind of cliché, my point is about 90% of the people now say it without meaning it. Like some kind of auto reply.
OK maybe I'm rambling but I hope you understand that what I'm actually trying to say is when next you want to say Happy new year be sure to really mean it.
Look at whoever you are saying it to and imagine what will give them happiness in the new year. Imagine what they will really love to have in the new year and sincerely pray for them to have it. So that when next you are saying happy new year, it is with great intent, compassion and believe.

I'm going to wish you a happy new year now but what I'm actually wishing you is a prosperous new year, a joyous new year, a great new year, a sickness free new year, a fulfilling new year, a dissappointment free new year and a year of wonderful surprises. So HAPPY NEW YEAR!.


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