Everyone's time will come

I was going to write my NYSC experience, already advertised and prepared to write the article  such that lots of people were looking forward to it. Then life happened. I suddenly became occupied with rounding up at my PPA , sewing clothes  and the most tasking of all assisting my sister with the baby.

Yes ..her time had come to have and  nurture her baby and my own time had come to take up all her other responsibilities and assist her the best way I can. As I sit and write this I remember the days when we were younger, how had imagined that the things which I now do were meant for grown women and big aunties. How I had imagined the time will never come for me to step into that position. How I had imagined it was going to take forever before that time came.

Now I know better, there is time for everything, we individuals run the race of our lives at different pace and time. Your time might say you are in the afternoon, mine might say I m in the evening or in the morning.

My point exactly? Everyone’s time will come, everyone will pass through the morning, afternoon and evening phase of their lives. Everyone will have their own fair share of pain, loss, joy , happiness all the emotions and feelings released to the earth by the creator will be felt by everyone but at different times.

Even when a race is being run, each runner arrives at their destinations at different times. Besides we all weren’t born into the world at the same time. Why then should we expect to move at the same pace?

Always remember, either by predestination, purpose, plan or choice, your own time will come. You will experience the good and the bad. You will learn lessons of life, you will win some and lose some and in the end you will grow, achieve success, have memories and impact lives.


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