Been long you saw me

I  know right, why haven't i posted here in a while? well I've been busy attending to some of  the responsibilities God gave me. I also had a wonderful time speaking to the students of my great Alma mater "ST BIRGITTAS NUR and PRY SCHOOL. I should of course share the wonderful  experience and some pictures here on the blog soon.
In recent times I've come to realize that we all get to certain points in our lives, where we are expected to take bold steps, which are of course orchestrated by God above just like every other step we find ourselves taking. nothing happens without God's prior knowledge.. and so in my next article TAKING BOLD STEPS , I will be revealing some of the bold steps i took and some real life occurrence that happened to me... watch out


Unknown said…
Yeah, it's been very long. Good to see your article again. I can't wait to go through your 'Taking bold step's.
Theophilus said…
All the best mademoiselle

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